Experience The Ahuma Universe

Ahuma Productions was born in 2013 from the necessity and desire to express and explore human boundaries. Ahuma is a cry for liberation, a cry of freedom. It is a platform to rediscover what it means to live your art in a modern world with systems and structures. We all have something unique to bring to the world. Pierrick St-Pierre created the company after 10 years of living "outside" of this system. In this time he has understood, in his own way, the importance of being ”in the system but not of the system”.

Pierrick St-Pierre
Pierrick St-Pierre is a French-Canadian resident in Germany. Learning from Chinese and Vietnamese circuses, he has already performed in more then 60 countries. This journey around the world gives him the versatility to juggle props, emotions as well as people.
Pierrick St-Pierre
Harzer Str. 32,
12059 Berlin
+33665626004 ( France )
+491777644150 ( Germany )
Pierrick St-Pierre
Harzer Str. 32,
12059 Berlin
+33665626004 ( France )
+491777644150 ( Germany )